Monday, December 14

Psyched psychiatry

Oh i just nak bagitahu, exam hari rabu (Lusa), in case mama baca my blog again kan. hehe
Dah sedar and start study sikit-sikit dari last weekeend tapi bila dapat internet macam lupa dunia. (tapi InsyaAllah akhirat masih ingat :D)
Kenapa still mengelamun tengok screen lappy ni?
Okay okay Ill go.
nak sambung study lah niii.
Boring sebab semua belajar about terms and terms and terms on how to classified orang gila.
Lepas ni kalau boring time dating boleh buat activity baru- observe orang gila.
Oh okay enough enough!
Im getting psyched with psychiatry
Annoying gila!

Oh  highlight sikit kat sini
  • MJ, your new layout lawaa.
  • Emi thanks for this entry. i look cute though, tak ah tipu je.
  • Farid thanks sebab jaga MJ, hahaha mengada je
  • Ayuu, nasib kau selamat. scary gila tengok pic kereta tu. take care tau.
Ps, Dr apa tah (i lupa the name) cakap, in psychiatry dept tak boleh addressed people with mental illness as gila. tak baik tau. So, I nak mintak maaf ye bakal patient. Brotherly  Sisterly love kena ada especially with these special/selected/gifted gila people.
    Oh exam.
    Eh tapi rindu MJ, seriously :(



    zulkhairi hamzah said...

    heheh.. good luck dear! wihs u all the best! kite pon rindu jgk! c u in January~

    cken said...

    Yay! i just cant wait, Miss u toooo.

    vYe said...

    psych seronok..yeay aku suka...
    ahhh tringat ,masa hafal term2 tu dulu, memang terpsyched sekejap...

    cken said...

    Huahh. tu laa. saiko habis. tapi layan org gila macam best. haha