Tuesday, April 14

Oh miss plastic!

saye tahu anda cantik
saye tahu jugak anda glamour *puke people puke*
saye tahu genetic anda semua born gorgeous
tapi saye pon cantik jugak hahaha. OK saye tipu je kawan-kawan
ade saye kesahh??
yang awak kisah sangat dengan saye kenape??
jealous kah?
kite besaudare *eh ye ke*
ye kot. tapi awak freak.
cmon laa miss plastic!
tak payah nak pura-pura cantik manis macam angel ok
cakap pun nak tinggi-tinggi jugak
i dont know what is your intend but i dont give a damn of anything about you
i am so happy now
the truth is
im starting to hate u ok!
please think about my family feelings too
we help you once when u were at the lowest point of your life
is this the way you are saying thank you?
then now see what happen to us
i am upset for things that happened between u and me and our family
its not that i didnt try to make it out again
but u seems spreading bad stories about me
and making our families in trouble
i love my family and my big big family
its okay if u dont
but stop making crap infront of the people that i love
i dont care if u want to live in ur high class privelege life and whatever
but stop interrupting mine
i miss the old times
when i am with them
stay out of my way u plastic!!


ayunietahir said...

siapakah ni weii.. macam tau je..oh imiss ya babe.. rally deep!!

cken said...

yes u know her babe! nyampah aku!
nway goodluck exam~